Below are instructions on how to recover users grades. (It's always worth testingĀ in a non-production/test environment first to confirm that you're happy with the results).
Steps: To recover an individual user and grades:
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users and select Enrol users.
- Expand the Enrolment options drop-down and check the Recover user's old grades if possible checkbox.
- Select Course start under Starting from.
- Select the *Enrol* button next to the user.
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Grades and notice that the grades are showing.
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users and remove the manual enrolment for the user, leaving audience sync.
- Go back to [Course name] > Course administration > Grades and notice that the grades are still showing.
Steps: To recover a whole audience and grades:
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Edit settings and remove the audience from Enrolled audiences. This will remove all users and grades from the course.
- Go to Site administration > Grades > General settings.
- Set Recover grades default to Yes.
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users.
- Select Enrol audience and select Enrol users next to the appropriate audience(s). This will enrol all applicable audience members as manual enrolments.
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Grades and check that the grades are showing.
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Edit settings and add all of the appropriate audiences to Enrolled audiences.
- Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods.
- Select the enrol users icon next to Manual enrolments.
- Select all of the manually enrolled users and then select Remove.
- Go back to [Course name] > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users and check to ensure the users are still enrolled via audience sync and no longer manually enrolled.
- Go back to [Course name] > Course administration > Grades and notice that the grades are still showing.