This depends on the web server being used
Panel |
In Apache web server - The name and the location of the log is set by the ErrorLog command and is usually stored in /var/log/apache2/error.log file. in Windows and error_log in Unix.
Note |
title | The web server user will need to have write access to the error log directory |
- There may be an graphical application that manages the server. For example in the Bitnami stack there is Manager app where you select Manager Servers > Open Error log
Image Modified |
Panel |
| In Internet Information Server |
| it is usually accessible in the Windows Event Viewer application |
- Open the Internet information Services manager application
- A list of sites will display in the IIS manager panel - note the site ID of your Totara site
- Click on your Totara site and double click the Logging icon
- Select Directory and navigate to the folder that ends with site ID of your Totara site. For example, W3SVC2 for site ID 2
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showLabels | false |
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