Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When using v-bind="someObject", individual props will now only take precedence if they come before the v-bind. More info

v-model and the input event (eslinted)

Plain v-model is no longer allowed, except on native HTML elements. Use v-model:value instead.

Avoid using the input event on components, prefer update:value (or update:something).

Slots (eslinted)

$scopedSlots no longer exists. Use $slots instead for all cases, it now behaves like $scopedSlots used to.


  • propsData is now just props

  • scopedSlots is now just slots

  • mocks and stubs have now moved under the global field on mount/render

  • mockQueries works on both, but it is preferrable to put it under the global field to align with mocks

  • wrapper.emitted() now includes native events. It is recommended to just ask for the event you are looking for with e.g. wrapper.emitted('submit')

v-model and the input event

Plain v-model is no longer allowed, except on native HTML elements. Use v-model:value instead.


Lifecycle methods

  • The destroyed lifecycle option has been renamed to unmounted

  • The beforeDestroy lifecycle option has been renamed to beforeUnmount
