Code Block [pcov] extension=pcov.so pcov.enabled=1 pcov.exclude='~(vendor|tests|node_modules|.git|client|.scannerwork)~' pcov.initial.memory=1073741824 pcov.initial.files=30000
Generate the code coverage
Code Block cd /path/to/code XDEBUG_MODE=off php -d pcov.directory=`pwd` vendor/bin/phpunit --filter=totara_core --coverage-html /var/www/html/coverage_report
PHPStorm and XDebug/pcov
PHPStorm has the ability to run code coverage anaylsis in product using XDebug or pcov. The analysis is automatically loaded into the platform and displayed both in the Coverage tool, and in-editor when looking at files. Their documentation on code coverage explains how to set it up.
A few pointers and tips to help however:
You still need to define a whitelist
As a product we support several different versions of PHP - if you're using php-fpm and have them installed you can configure PHPStorm so that you can choose which version you run tests and coverage on
When looking at a testcase file you can click on the little arrows next to test case classes and test case methods and choose to run specific tests
Further reading
External: XDebug code coverage analysis
External: PHPDBG documentation
External: pcov repository and documentation