Workflow application capabilities

Workflow application capabilities

Once you have configured the application/approval lifecycle for a workflow – how it moves through various states towards completion – it may be important to control who can see and interact with applications in those various states. This will usually involve building roles for various actors, and assigning those roles in the context of the workflow or a specific assignment.

Introduction to application capabilities

There are many capabilities in mod_approval, but they are variations on a similar pattern:


Application actions are:

  • view_in_dashboard - View applications in the applications dashboard
  • create - Create a new application
  • view - View the application, along with approval state and activity timeline
  • edit - Edit the application using form views for this stage
  • edit_full - Edit the application using form views used in this or previous stages
  • edit_without_invalidating_approvals - Edit an application that has already been approved without restarting the approval process
  • approve - Approve or reject the application
  • attach_file_to - Attach files to the application
  • view_comment_on - View comments on the application view screen
  • post_comment_on - Post comments on the application view screen
  • withdraw - Withdraw (unsubmit) the application – this does not make it draft
  • backdate - Set date fields to dates in the past
  • delete - Delete the application

Application states are:

  • draft - Never-submitted application
  • (no state) - Not-draft (submitted at least once) application
  • pending - The acting user is an approver on the application's current approval level
  • unsubmitted - Non-draft application waiting to be submitted at a form stage
  • in_approvals - Submitted application waiting to be approved (or rejected)
  • first_approval_level - Submitted application waiting to be approved at the first approval level (has not already been approved by someone else)

Application actors are:

  • applicant - The subject of the application
  • owner - The person who created or controls the application
  • user - Person who has been assigned the capability in the applicant's user context (useful for Staff Manager capabilities)
  • any - Person who has been assigned the capability in the application's assignment context (or above)

For example, edit_in_approvals_application_owner gives the bearer the ability to edit applications they control that are awaiting approval.

Application capability list

This section lists all of the application-related capabilities implemented in Totara 17, by action.

The Default column indicates the default system role the capability is assigned to:

  • user: Authenticated user role.
  • staffmanager: Role assigned to job assignment managers / temporary managers in the user contexts of their team's users.
  • approver: The Workflow Approver role assigned to approvers in the assignment context where they are assigned as approvers.
  • manager: The Workflow Manager role that can be assigned in assignment, workflow, tenant, or system context.

Capabilities assigned to Workflow Manager are also assigned to the Site Manager and Tenant Domain Manager roles.

Create application

Users are only ever able to create applications where the applicant resolves to an assignment where the user has one of these capabilities.

Human-readable name

System name



N/Acreate_application_owner-Not implemented, there is no owner until the application is created.
Create applications where they are the applicantcreate_application_applicantuserAllows users to create applications for themselves.
Create user's applicationscreate_application_usernoneAllows users to create applications about another user, such as a team member.
Create applicationscreate_application_anymanagerAllows users to create applications about other users, generally.

View draft applications in the dashboard

Draft applications are those that have never been submitted, have never left the first stage.

Note that application owners always have the right to view draft applications, because they have created them. They can see the listing, even if they can't view the details.

Human-readable name

System name



N/Aview_draft_in_dashboard_application_owner-Not implemented, owner can always view their own draft applications on the dashboard.
View draft applications in the dashboard where they are the applicantview_draft_in_dashboard_application_applicantnone-
View user's draft applications in the dashboardview_draft_in_dashboard_application_usernone-
View draft applications in the dashboardview_draft_in_dashboard_application_anynone-

View draft application details

Draft applications are those that have never been submitted, and have never left the first stage.

Human-readable name

System name



View draft applications where they are the ownerview_draft_application_owneruserApplication creator can view details of draft applications.
View draft applications where they are the applicantview_draft_application_applicantnoneBy default, the subject of an application created on their behalf can't view it until it is submitted by the creator.
View user's draft applicationsview_draft_application_usernone-
View draft applicationsview_draft_application_anynone-

Edit and submit draft application

Draft applications are those that have never been submitted, and have never left the first stage.

Human-readable name

System name



Edit draft applications where they are the owneredit_draft_application_owneruserApplication creator can edit their own draft applications.
Edit draft applications where they are the applicantedit_draft_application_applicantnoneBy default, the subject of an application created on their behalf can't edit it until it is submitted by the creator.
Edit user's draft applicationsedit_draft_application_usernone-
Edit draft applicationsedit_draft_application_anynone-

Delete draft application

Draft applications are those that have never been submitted, and have never left the first stage. Only draft applications can be deleted; submitted applications can be withdrawn but not deleted.

Human-readable name

System name



Delete draft applications where they are the ownerdelete_draft_application_owneruserApplication creator can delete their own draft applications.
Delete draft applications where they are the applicantdelete_draft_application_applicantnoneBy default, the subject of an application created on their behalf can't delete it.
Delete user's draft applicationsdelete_draft_application_usernone-
Delete draft applicationsdelete_draft_application_anynone-

View applications in the dashboard

Applies to non-draft applications (i.e. those that have been submitted at least once).

Human-readable name

System name



N/Aview_in_dashboard_application_owner-Not implemented, owner can always view their own applications on the dashboard.
View applications in the dashboard where they are the applicantview_in_dashboard_application_applicantuser-
View user's applications in the dashboardview_in_dashboard_application_userstaffmanager-
View applications in the dashboardview_in_dashboard_application_anyapprover, manager-
View user's pending applications in the dashboardview_in_dashboard_pending_application_usernone-
View pending applications in the dashboardview_in_dashboard_pending_application_anynone-

View application details

Applies to non-draft applications (i.e. those that have been submitted at least once).

Human-readable name

System name



View applications where they are the ownerview_application_owneruser-
View applications where they are the applicantview_application_applicantuser-
View user's applicationsview_application_userstaffmanager-
View applicationsview_application_anyapprover, manager-
View user's pending applicationsview_pending_application_usernoneBy default, staffmanager can view details of a team member's applications. This capability limits the view to only applications they can immediately approve/reject.
View pending applicationsview_pending_application_anynoneBy default, an approver can view details of all applications on the same assignment. This capability limits the view to only applications they can immediately approve/reject. 

Edit application

Applies to non-draft applications (i.e. those that have been submitted at least once).

Unsubmitted applications are those currently on form stages.

In approvals applications are those currently on approval stages. 

First approval level applications are those currently at the first approval level in an approval stage.

Editing with these capabilities is always limited to the stage's defined form view – an approver being able to edit the application does not necessarily mean that they can change an applicant's answers, as this depends on how the workflow is configured. To edit all previously submitted fields in an application, use one of the edit_full_application capabilities in the next section.

Editing an application in an approval stage will reset it to the first approval level at that stage, unless one of the edit_without_invalidating_approvals capabilities in the next section is used.

Human-readable name

System name



Edit unsubmitted applications where they are the owneredit_unsubmitted_application_ownernoneUnsubmitted means currently on a form stage.
Edit unsubmitted applications where they are the applicantedit_unsubmitted_application_applicantuser-
Edit user's unsubmitted applicationsedit_unsubmitted_application_usernone-
Edit unsubmitted applicationsedit_unsubmitted_application_anyapprover, manager-
Edit in-approvals applications where they are the owneredit_in_approvals_application_ownernoneIn approvals means currently in an approval stage.
Edit in-approvals applications where they are the applicantedit_in_approvals_application_applicantnone-
Edit user's in-approvals applicationsedit_in_approvals_application_usernone-
Edit in-approvals applicationsedit_in_approvals_application_anyapprover, manager-
Edit user's pending submitted applicationsedit_in_approvals_pending_application_userstaffmanagerBy default, staffmanagers are allowed to edit team applications when those applications are pending their approval.
Edit pending submitted applicationsedit_in_approvals_pending_application_anyapproverBy default, approvers are allowed to edit applications, when those applications are pending their approval.
Edit first approval level applications where they are the owneredit_first_approval_level_application_ownernoneFirst approval level means currently at the first level of an approval stage.
Edit first approval level applications where they are the applicantedit_first_approval_level_application_applicantnoneBy default, applicants cannot edit their applications once submitted, but this capability could be used to allow the applicant to edit their submitted application until it is approved by the first approver.
Edit user's first approval level applicationsedit_first_approval_level_application_usernone-
Edit first approval level applicationsedit_first_approval_level_application_anynone-
Edit user's first approval level pending applicationsedit_first_approval_level_pending_application_usernone-
Edit first approval level pending applicationsedit_first_approval_level_pending_application_anynone-

Special edit application capabilities

Applies to non-draft applications (i.e. those that have been submitted at least once).

These capabilities were originally intended for Workflow Managers, users who need to be able to fix stuck or incorrect applications without changing their state. 

The edit_without_invalidating_approvals capabilities do not grant the ability to edit; they must be used in combination with edit_application or edit_full_application.

Human-readable name

System name



Edit applications where they are the owner without invalidating exist approvalsedit_without_invalidating_approvals_ownernone-
Edit applications where they are the applicant without invalidating exist approvalsedit_without_invalidating_approvals_applicantnone-
Edit user's applications without invalidating exist approvalsedit_without_invalidating_approvals_usernone-
Edit applications without invalidating exist approvalsedit_without_invalidating_approvals_anymanagerBy default, a Workflow Manager can edit an application at any level of an approval stage, without resetting the approval process.
Edit full form on applications where they are the owneredit_full_application_ownernone-
Edit full form on applications where they are the applicantedit_full_application_applicantnone-
Edit user's full form on applicationsedit_full_application_usernone-
Edit full form on applicationsedit_full_application_anymanagerBy default, a Workflow Manager can edit any already submitted field in an application; they are not limited to fields in the current stage's form views.

Approve / reject application

Applies to non-draft applications (i.e. those that have been submitted at least once).

These capabilities all allow both approval and rejection of applications.

Human-readable name

System name



Approve applications where they are the ownerapprove_application_ownernone-
Approve applications where they are the applicantapprove_application_applicantnone-
Approve user's applicationsapprove_application_usernone-
Approve applicationsapprove_application_anymanager-
Approve pending applications where they are the ownerapprove_pending_application_ownernoneCould be used to allow an approver to approve  applications they created.
Approve pending applications where they are the applicantapprove_pending_application_applicantnoneCould be used to allow an approver to approve their own applications.
Approve user's pending applicationsapprove_pending_application_userstaffmanager-
Approve pending applicationsapprove_pending_application_anyapprov