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Table of Contents

GraphQL - What is it?

Please read our beginners guide for a quick overview of GraphQL's core concepts: /wiki/spaces/~712020ed0261f15a044ee387ddaa27aaf37f0d/pages/840728681.

Creating an Internal Query


Create the schema

  • Create a webapi directory in your plugin root

  • Under the webapi create a ajax directory

  • Create a schema.graphqls file under the ajax directory

  • In schema.graphqls let’s define the todo_item type by adding the following:

    • Code Block
      type local_todo_item {
          id: core_id
          title: String
          completed_at: core_date
    • This adds a new type with id, title and completed_at which we will have access to when using this type.


Create the query

We’ll start off our APIs with creating a query to retrieve a list of the type todo_item.

  • In schema.graphqls define the result we’ll get back from the query by defining the following type:

    • Code Block
      type local_todo_items_result {
          items: [local_todo_item!]!
    • Notice here we’ve used ! in two places. This indicates the field is non-nullable. We’ve used this here to say that we always expect an array, by putting the exclamation mark on the outside of the array [...]!. We also used to to say that the elements of the array cannot be null [my_type!].

  • Now we have the result defined, let’s define the query. We do this by extending the type Query and adding our query into it. Let’s do this:

    • Code Block
      extend type Query {
          local_todo_items: local_todo_items_result!
    • This defines that the query local_todo_items should return the local_todo_items_result type we defined earlier

Creating the persisted query

The persisted query is a definition of the query for the frontend component to import. We name this file the query name, minus the component name of the plugin we’re working with.


  • Create the persisted query file in the webapi/ajax/items.graphql with the following:

    • Code Block
      query local_todo_items {
          items {

Create the backend

Now we need to create the PHP backend to handle the query.

  • First we’ll create the directory for the query resolver by creating the following directory /server/local/todo/classes/webapi/resolver/query

  • Now let’s create the query resolver class, items.php in the directory we just created.

    • Code Block
      namespace local_todo\webapi\resolver\query;
      use core\webapi\execution_context;
      use core\webapi\query_resolver;
      use local_todo\entity\item;
      class items extends query_resolver {
           * @inheritDoc
           * @throws \coding_exception
          public static function resolve(array $args, execution_context $ec) {
              global $USER;
              $items = item::repository()
                  ->where('user_id', $USER->id)
              return ['items' => $items];
    • In this file we’ve defined the query resolve and we’re using the ORM of local_todo to return a list of items.

  • Now we create the type resolver directory /server/local/todo/classes/webapi/resolver/type/ and the type resolver for item item.php in the directory.

    • Code Block
      namespace local_todo\webapi\resolver\type;
      use core\webapi\execution_context;
      use core\webapi\type_resolver;
      class item extends type_resolver {
           * @param string $field - The field being requested 
           * @param $source - In the case, source will be our `item` entity class as it's what's returned from the query resolver
           * @param array $args
           * @param execution_context $ec
           * @return mixed|void
          public static function resolve(string $field, $source, array $args, execution_context $ec) {
              return $source->$field;

Testing Queries

Testing Mutations


  • Screenshots of how to set up the dev_graphql_executor

    • Maybe update the main doc for this

  • Add how to test generally - the below is not enough, need proper guidance

  • Tidy up steps - they can be much cleaner

  • 👋 Say hello to whoever made it this far and is now just nosey 😂
