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The Totara Mobile app design guidelines contain the visual and behavioural design specifications for all component and assets found in the app. It is a living document and will be updated as the app evolves.

The design guidelines have been created for developers and designers working on app customisations. Please refer to the latest version when designing and implementing new interfaces and behaviours.

For all the native controls (e.g., switches, status bars etc.) used in the app, please refer to iOS and Android design guidelines:


Colour theme is applied consistently across all components featured in the app, with the default theme being based on the Totara brand.

Colour variables, as depicted below, follow an abstract semantic framework that is applied in a meaningful manner consistently throughout the app. This enables users to derive meaning via colour, aiding the user experience. Each colour variable is customisable to match the customer's brand and design needs.


105, 189, 69


255, 255, 255

245, 245, 245
230, 230, 230
210, 210, 210
199, 199, 199

125, 125, 125
74, 74, 74
0, 0, 0


51, 122, 183
105, 189, 69
142, 102, 13
149, 53, 57
253, 248, 228

0, 122, 255
255, 59, 48


The Totara mobile app's interfaces are based on an eight-pixel grid because it favours consistency and flexibility. The dimensions of the elements and the distances between them will always be multiples of eight: 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, etc. Follow this grid when designing and implementing new layouts in order to maintain a consistent UI.


All the design component and elements follow the spaces across the grid. The same principle applies when you stack multiple elements within and between a component. 

Summary of the spacing between layout elements.

Works on different screen sizes

Using the eight-pixel grid allows creating a vertical rhythm. But there are screen sizes which are not compatible with the eight-pixel grid system.

DevicesResolutionMultiples of eight
iPhone 5320 x 568✓
iPhone 6375 x 667No - 368
iPhone XR414 x 896✓
Google Pixel412 x 732No - 400
Google Pixel 4412 x 847No - 400
Samsung S7360 x 640✓


Typography is used to communicate information in the most efficient way possible through legibility and visual hierarchy. It's a crucial tool to guide users on their tasks. It should be used in a clear and delightful way.


Totara Mobile uses system fonts for both platforms (iOS & Android).

Examples of San Francisco and Roboto fonts.

Example of fonts in the Totara app.

Weights for different font stylings.

Brand app icons

The app icon appears on the phone home screen and makes you recognise the app on the app store. There is a set of small icons for the home screen and a larger icon for the App Store itself. The App Store and Google Play have different specifications and instructions for mobile icon design.


NotificationsSettingsSpotlightApp icon

20 x 20px @1x
40 x 40px @2x
60 x 60px @3x

29 x 29px @1x
58 x 58px @2x
87 x 87px @3x
40 x 40px @1x
80 x 80px @2x
120 x 120px @3x
60 x 60px @1x
120 x 120px @2x
180 x 180px @3x


NotificationsSettingsSpotlightApp iconApp icon (12.9 inch)

20 x 20px @1x
40 x 40px @2x

29 x 29px @1x
58 x 58px @2x
40 x 40px @1x
80 x 80px @2x
76 x 76px @1x
152 x 152px @2x

83.5 x 83.5px @1x
167 x 167px @2x

App storeSplash screenSite URL and About screen
1024px @1x180 x 180px @1x
360 x 360px @2x
540 x 540px @3x
120 x 85px @1x
240 x 170px @2x
360 x 255px @3x


Launcher iconsAction bar, dialog and tab iconsSmall contextual iconsNotification icons
48 x 48px, mdpi
72 x 72px, hdpi
96 x 96px, xhdpi
144 x 144px, xxhdpi
192 x 192px, xxxhdpi
24 x 24px, mdpi
36 x 36px, hdpi
48 x 48px, xhdpi
72 x 72px, xxhdpi
96 x 96px, xxxhdpi
16 x 16px, mdpi
24 x 24px, hdpi
32 x 32px, xhdpi
48 x 48px, xxhdpi
64 x 64px, xxxhdpi
22 x 22px, mdpi
33 x 33px, hdpi
44 x 44px, xhdpi
66 x 66px, xxhdpi
88 x 88px, xxxhdpi


Primary button

The primary button is used to show the main action on a screen. It typically portrays the 'successful' culmination of a task. To convey this, the primary button is styled so as to be prominent and, ideally there should be only one per page.

Basic button design

Basic primary button design.

Button with theme colour

Primary buttons with a theme colour applied.



The default state indicates that the user can tap the button.

The active (tapped) button state. 

The active state indicates that the user has tapped the button.

The disabled button state. 

The disabled state indicates that the link can't be tapped.

Guide and structure

Spacing for button elements.

Height: 50px
Minimum width: 50px
Corner radius: 4px
Left and right minimum padding: 16px
Label: 17px, semibold
Background: Dynamic based on theme colour, default value is #99AC3A
Font colour: Black/white based on theme setting

Active button state.

Background: Dynamic based on accent colour, default value is #C5D39D
Font colour: Black/white based on theme setting

Disabled button state.

Background: #D2D2D2
Font colour: Black/white based on theme setting

Secondary button

The secondary button is always used to display actions that may not be used and, as such, their visual style is less prominent than the primary button's style. Several secondary actions can be nearby each other.


Secondary button design. Secondary button design with icon.


Secondary button normal state. 

The default state indicates that the user can tap the button.

Secondary button active state. 

The active state indicates that the user has tapped the button.

Secondary button disabled state. 

The disabled state indicates that the link can't be tapped.


Spacing guide for secondary buttons.

Height: 50px
Minimum width: 50px
Radius: 4px
Outline: 1px
Left and right minimum padding: 16px
Label: 17px, semibold
Outline colour: #7D7D7D

Secondary button active state.

Background: #E6E6E6
Font colour: #000000

Secondary button disabled state.

Background: #FFFFFF
Font colour: #D2D2D2

The tertiary buttons are usually used for less important or less commonly used actions, and are often used along with a primary button or as a standalone button.


Tertiary button design. Tertiary button design with icon.


Tertiary button normal state. 

The default state indicates that the user can tap the button.

Tertiary button active state. 

The active state indicates that the user has tapped the button.

Tertiary button disabled state. 

The disabled state indicates that the link can't be tapped.


Tertiary button spacing guide.

Height: 50px
Minimum width: 50px
Left and right minimum padding: 16px
Label: 17px, semibold
Font colour: #007AFF
Icon colour: #007AFF


  • Buttons should indicate an action, not a navigation link
  • They should be discoverable, easy to identify, and specific
  • Always have a text label within the button container - icons are optional
  • Make buttons look and feel clickable
  • If using multiple buttons, style and label them distinctly

When to use

  • Use buttons to emphasise a call to action

Accessibility guidelines

  • The button text and background colour must meet the minimum contrast requirement.
  • If an icon button is used, an accessible label must be provided that indicates the purpose of the control. Avoid using the words “image” or “icon” in the description label.
  • If an icon is used alongside the text button, the icon should not provide any text alternative for screen readers. The button’s text will serve as the accessible name, and the icon may be considered redundant or decorative.
  • Use an aria-controls prop to add the aria-controls attribute to build the relationship between button and element which is managed by it. Aria-controls runs only with a single ID of an element.
  • Use area expands prop to add aria-expands to indicate to screenreaders, that element controlled by button-through aria-controls is expanded or not.
  • Use a disabled prop to indicate to users that a button is inactive and they can’t interact with it.
  • Use the title to add aria-label when you need to add extra information to screen readers, or there are no children presented to be used as a label.


Cards are a UI component that display content and actions on a single subject.

When you have lots of information, combining it into appropriate groups can help users to navigate it all. Cards are excellent for assembling a lot of related data into one block to organise it.


Design guidance for card elements.

Guide and structure

Spacing guide for card elements.

1) The course, program or certification image is displayed here (the default image is used if none is specified).
2) The due/overdue date is optionally displayed.
3) The course, program or certification title is displayed here.
4) An optional description presents more information about the learning content.

1) The course, program or certification image is displayed here (the default image is used if none is specified).
2) The course, program or certification title is displayed here.
3) An optional description presents more information about the learning content.

Spacing guide for course information sections.

Empty state

Empty states may occur at any time. The purpose of an empty state guideline is to provide appropriate advice to the user on any relevant actions to take ( e.g. guide them to the next step to take to get to their desired goal).

Current learning empty state.

1) The illustration adds visual context.
2) The title describes the status of the screen.
3) The call to action provides the option to leave the screen.


Icons draw attention and convey the meaning of specific actions and information, using semantic glyphs.

They can help to clarify a feature’s primary purpose or draw attention to a commonly understood action.

Font Awesome icons

Settings | f013Delete | f2edSync | f021Complete | f058External link | f35dFailed | f057

Error | f071Ban | f05eChevron-down | f078Chevron-up | f077Info | f129Lock | f023

Custom icons



Custom icons - activity status

Self-completionAutomatic completionCompleteFailedLocked

Icon sizes used based on screen resolutions:

  • @1x - 24/24 px
  • @2x - 48/48 px
  • @3x - 72/72 px


Illustrations can help to communicate information in an engaging and visual way.

Humans process visual information faster than text. Illustrations could help most people, but might not help everyone. You need to make sure the content is accessible to everyone by presenting all essential information in text form and not just visuals.

Guide and structure

Illustration size guide.
1) The illustration adds context to the message.

Border width: 3px
Border colour: #000000


Current learning empty state

Additional action required

Course not compatible

Notifications empty state

Download empty state

URL not compatible

Authentication in browser

Mark as complete

Successfully completed

Default course image

Default certification image

Default program image

Attempt complete


Lists present repetitive data groups that are related to each other. There is a common visual layout for lists.

Labelled list element.

1) The list heading provides context for the list.
2) Supporting action.
3) A list item.
4) The icon/status badge visually supports the list item content.

List heading: Headline (22px), bold
List item: Regular (17px)


Use modals to complete subtasks or provide critical information while maintaining the context of the underlying page. 

Labelled modal element.

1) The illustration visually supports the message.
2) The title explains the context. This should be concise and to the point.
3) The description provides more information. This should also be concise.
4) The primary call to action initiates the required action.
5) The secondary call to action closes the modal.

Overlay background: Neutral-08
Opacity: 40%


Tabs keep related content in a single container and allows users to navigate between them quickly while remaining in the page's context.

Design and structure

Labelled tab navigation.

1) Tab content should be short.
2) Selection indicator shows which tab is currently selected.


Tab default state.The default state is shown when a tab is not selected.

Tab pressed state.The pressed state is shown when the user taps on the tab.

Tab active state.The active state is shown when the user has selected the tab.


Tab spacing guide.

Height: 50px
Minimum width: 
Left and right minimum padding:
Active label font:
#000000, 15px, bold
Default label font:
#7D7D7D, 15px, medium


  • Should have the similar content and labels should be clear

  • Order the tabs based on user needs

Example showing how tabs appear in the app.

Guide and structure

Labelled text links.

1) The text describes the purpose of the link.
2) The icon visually supports the link (optional).

Text size: Inherit the size from the parent
Font colour: #007AFF
Icon colour: #007AFF


  • Text links enable users to navigate to another part of your app or an external location (e.g. another website).

  • The target of the text link should be clear from its label.

  • Do not use text links for submitting actions. Use buttons instead.

Text input


Example text input elements.

Guide and structure

Text input element spacing guide.

Field label font: 13px, regular, #7D7D7D
Content text font: 17px, regular, #000000

  • No labels