Mobile design guidelines

Mobile design guidelines


This document covers the visual styles and interaction patterns used in the Totara Mobile app.  It is intended for developers and designers working on expanding and customising the app, to help them create a cohesive and enjoyable experience for their users.

It is a living document and will be updated as the app evolves.  Please refer to the latest version when designing and implementing new features and workflows.


We used React Native  to build the Totara Mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms. The app is published for both platforms, with consideration for the different approaches they take on UX.

To learn more about the design principles and native controls (e.g. switches, status bars, etc.) used in the app, please refer to the iOS and Android design guidelines:


Colour theme is applied consistently across all the app, with the default theme based on the Totara brand.

Colour variables, as depicted below, follow an abstract semantic framework that is applied in a meaningful manner consistently throughout the app. This enables users to derive meaning via colour, aiding the user experience. Each colour variable is customisable to match the customer's brand and design needs.


  • The default brand colour in a clean install is Totara green (#69BD45)
  • The primary colour is used in primary buttons and the tab bar
  • To customise it go to Quick-access menu > Plugins > Mobile > Mobile theme in your Totara site, and edit the setting totara_mobile | primarycolour

105, 189, 69


  • While vibrant colours aim to grab attention, neutral colours provide a low-key backdrop, helping users focus on their learning content
  • Currently the app only offers light mode (dark mode will be added in the future)
  • In light mode, use light neutrals (i.e. Neutral-01 to 03) in backgrounds and dark neutrals (Neutral-06 to 08) in borders, text and graphics

255, 255, 255

245, 245, 245

230, 230, 230

210, 210, 210

199, 199, 199

125, 125, 125

74, 74, 74

0, 0, 0


  • These colours are used in system feedback to inform users and prompt a response
  • It's important to use the right colour for each feedback type in order to reinforce user confidence in the app
  • Info: Guidance or help
  • Success: User action was received and processed successfully
  • Warning: User action is required
  • Alert: Critical error such as server or network failure
  • Highlight: Background colour of selected item inside a set, such as table cell or list item

51, 122, 183

105, 189, 69

142, 102, 13

149, 53, 57

253, 248, 228


  • Link colour indicates actionable text and icons such as tertiary buttons and hyperlinks
  • Primary colour is used in primary buttons and the tab bar
  • Destructive colour should be limited to actions that lead to data loss, such as content deletion

0, 122, 255

255, 59, 48

Layout, grid and spacing

The Totara Mobile app uses the widely popular 8pt grid for consistency and flexibility. Layouts, margins and UI element dimension are multiples of 8: 4, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48. This helps us achieve visual harmony and optimal rendering on most common screen sizes and device pixel density (for example x0.75, x1, x1.5, x2, x3). Follow this grid when designing and implementing new layouts in order to maintain a consistent UI.

  • Responsiveness: We use flexible UI components with fixed spacing, based on 8pt grid, to ensure a good fit on any mobile device (and to future-proof the app)
  • Readability: All pages follow Apple's safe area guideline, with margins on all edges, clear of content and interactive elements (excluding content overflow which users can swipe to scroll through)
  • Harmony: Grouping and stacking elements based on 8pt grid (this is true for cards, tiles and page layouts)
  • Usability: Touchscreen interaction must be forgiving to user errors, allowing for multiple factors such as 'fat fingers' and on-the-go usage - interactive elements such as buttons need bigger target areas (at least 40px) and generous spacing around them
  • Read more about the 8pt grid: The comprehensive 8pt grid guide (Medium)


Typography, according to Wikipedia, is "the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed". In essence, mobile typography helps users find their way around the app with ease. We use fonts, text sizes, colour, grouping and spacing to bring order and hierarchy, making the app more user friendly and accessible.

Text styles

Totara mobile app uses iOS & Android system fonts:

StyleiOS FontAndroid fontWeightSize (px)Letter space (px)Line height (px)
H1SF Pro DisplayRobotoBold400.3648
H2SF Pro DisplayRobotoBold340.1841
H3SF Pro DisplayRobotoBold28034
H4SF Pro DisplayRobotoBold22028
SubtitleSF Pro DisplayRobotoMedium20025
BodySF Pro TextRobotoRegular17-0.422
Body boldSF Pro TextRobotoBold17-0.222
CalloutSF Pro TextRobotoRegular16-0.3221
SmallSF Pro TextRobotoRegular15-0.2420
xSmallSF Pro TextRobotoRegular13018
xxSmallSF Pro Text