Upgrading Totara with a custom theme

Upgrading Totara with a custom theme

Upgrading Totara Learn versions

Due to the possibility of changing LESS to fix issues, your theme (if you have used LESS inheritance) may not pick up the latest changes. We recommend running grunt after all upgrades (including minor versions) as this will ensure that your theme has the latest LESS from Roots (and Basis if that is an ancestor to your theme).

From time to time there will be changes in the CSS and HTML of functionality within Learn. As with all API changes these can be found in the upgrade.txt file within the given functionality.

Adding a component

From time to time, new components (including themes) will be added to Totara. In most cases, the css lint ignore file (.stylelingignore) can be regenerated by running 'grunt ignorefiles'. This will add the minified CSS files to the ignore list.

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