Security FAQ

This page provides the answers to common security questions for Totara.

Input/output validation

Where are security-relevant validations done? (client- or server-side)

Validation is consistently and reliably performed on the server to ensure a secure environment.

Client-side validation is performed where applicable and possible. It provides the user a quicker response in many cases, but is never relied upon as an authoritative validation.

When calling sites with visible parameters (e.g. https://...?file=xyz.php), how does the application ensure that there are no invalid inputs sent e.g. OS commands?

All inputs are cleaned using type-specific filtering functions, to ensure that they contain only the expected content. See required_param(), optional_param() and clean_param() functions.

For file uploads, how does the application ensure that no executable code is uploaded?

Files are uploaded to a specific upload location without execute permission, and no user-submitted files are ever executed. Uploaded file names are replaced with a hash. Totara supports antivirus scanning of uploaded files using ClamAV.

What can be uploaded is in many cases not restricted. Any files that are found by ClamAV to contain viruses or malicious code are immediately quarantined or destroyed (depending on configuration).

Totara is then very careful in how it provides those files. If the file is of a recognised and expected format and is being used within an area that supports inline display (such as when you upload an image for use in the editor) then it is mediated with headers allowing its use within the browser. Any file that is not a recognised or expected format is served explicitly with headers that prevent the file from executing in the user's browser. This forces the user to download the file. Once downloaded, the user should observe general internet security practices and only open files that they trust.

Which security measures are taken to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)?

User data is escaped on output in a range of ways depending on content type and output context. This includes stripping or escaping HTML tags for simple text or using HTML purifier for cleaning user-supplied HTML. See s(), p(), format_string() and format_text() functions.

User data is also filtered on input using required_param(), optional_param() and clean_param() functions.

User data that is used within JavaScript code is passed into the code via a dedicated method which properly escapes the data. See $PAGE->requires->data_for_js() method.

For XSS via user-supplied files, we prevent it by forcing download of files that are uploaded to untrusted areas or uploaded by untrusted users.

Which security measures are taken to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF)?

All data-alerting actions are validated using a CSRF token referred to internally as the sesskey. See require_sesskey() and confirm_sesskey() functions.

Which security measures are taken to prevent SQL-Injection?

All user-supplied data is filtered prior to use, then only used in SQL queries via parameters. The database layer handles escaping of parameterised data - either internally escaping data or using bound parameters as implemented by the database driver.

Blind SQL injection and blind XPath injection are detected by security scanners based on there being different responses in requests to the login page. Because of how Totara login pages work for failed logins, the response code alternates between 200 and 303. The scanner misinterprets this, reporting a false positive.

Which security measures are taken against automated attempts to gain access (e.g. bots)?

There are optional account lockout settings to lock accounts after excessive failed login attempts. When combined with password policies this makes it very difficult to brute force user accounts. When self-registration is enabled, Totara offers optional ReCaptcha integration to prevent automated signups. Totara also includes IP blocking functionality with support for whitelisting and blacklisting of IP ranges.

Is X-XSS-Protection used in Totara?

The interpretation of the X-XSS-Protection header in browsers is inconsistent. Additionally, Chrome has now announced they will remove the XSS Auditor (which the X-XSS-Protection header triggers). Edge and Firefox either didn’t use it, or had already removed it. This means none of Totara's supported browsers use the header.

This header did not prevent XSS or otherwise on its own. It acted as an additional layer of protection against XSS - specifically 'reflected XSS', where a user adds JavaScript into a URL which is then added somewhere on the page they visit. We already have other protections against such vulnerabilities, such as cleaning user input before adding it to a page. We believe that ensuring consistent and thorough cleaning is a more reliable method of ensuring security.

Is X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff used in Totara?

This header is currently and consistently set when serving files, in conjunction with strict mimetype handling to ensure that any potentially dangerous mimetypes are coerced to force download.

Totara provides the ability for end users to upload files, and the X-Content-Type-Options header acts as an important safety net in these situations. As of Totara 13 we have hardened mimetype handling even further. Files are considered the highest risk, because although we can clean and sanitise user input thoroughly, we cannot do the same for files, as it would be impossible to deal with the variety of files our users utilise.

Totara does not set the X-Content-Type-Options header for HTML, JavaScript or JSON. Chromium recommends setting this for HTML, JavaScript, JSON and images. This means the browser does not depend upon the content of the resource, and relies solely upon the content-type stated. When the header is present, the browser will protect the resource based upon the content-type. It will not ‘sniff’ the content of the package. If a resource is sent without the proper header, then it will be blocked.

Images are already served with this header in Totara, providing all code uses the file mediation layer (which is true for Totara core). HTML, JavaScript and JSON are intentionally left without the header, as we cannot be sure that the correct headers are set for all pages (in fact, a number of Totara pages presently rely on browser sniffing). Setting the X-Content-Type-Options header for all HTML, JavaScript and JSON pages will likely introduce regressions both in core code and third-party code.

While we do not set the header for all requests, to the best of our knowledge we are not vulnerable to any demonstrable exploits because of it. X-Content-Type-Options can be used an additional layer of protection that can be utilised when functionality allows it.

Session handling

Which security measures are taken to prevent session hijacking?

Session-ID is accepted from session cookies only. Session-ID is reset after each login and logout.

Totara sets the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff and X-Frame-Options: deny headers by default when requested resources may be files uploaded by a user. Sessions are only used when required (e.g. no session is used when transferring public static resources such as CSS/JS).

The X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block header is currently set in limited scenarios. However, support for this header is inconsistent across our supported browsers, with some choosing to deprecate the related functionality. Primary protection against XSS is by cleaning user input as appropriate.

How are Session-IDs generated?

Session-IDs are generated by PHP in a standard way. See the PHP built-in session_id() function.

When are Session-IDs generated?

Session-ID is generated on first access, login, logout and session timeout.

How does the application ensure that users only have access to certain data?

Totara provides a fine-grained hierarchical permissions model based on roles, contexts and capabilities. Individual system actions are controlled by specific capabilities, which can be granted or denied to roles in specific contexts. Users are assigned one or more roles which can be granted both across the entire site and to specific content within the site, such that a user can be given access to only the content and actions they need have access to.

Are Session-IDs part of the URL?

The Session-ID is only ever passed as a cookie via HTML headers, it is never passed via any other means.

How long is the session timeout?

The session timeout is configurable, the default setting is two hours.

Shortly describe session handling after logout.

Session data is destroyed, then Session-ID is regenerated.

Which data stays in the session after logout?

No session data remains after logout. There is a separate cookie for storing the user's username for convenience, if the user checks the Remember username checkbox.

Which data is saved in the session?

  • Basic current user information (excluding password hash, description, etc.)

  • Session key for CSRF prevention

  • Some other caches

  • Other access control and auxiliary user preference data

Are there further identification features in the session (e.g. once-only token)?



Which type of cookies is used?

Totara uses three cookies. The session cookie is required, while the other two are optional and controllable via configuration settings.

Session cookie

Totara uses a cookie to track the user's session.

This cookie is created for every user who browses any page on the site and Totara will not function if this cookie is blocked.

  • In Totara 2.7 and below this cookie is given the name MoodleSessionXXX where XXX is determined by $CFG->sessioncookie

  • In Totara 2.9 and above this cookie is given the name TotaraSessionXXX where XXX is determined by $CFG->sessioncookie

Remember username cookie

Totara uses a cookie to remember the user's username if the equivalent option is checked on the login page.

This cookie is created by the login page after the user logs in if the remember username functionality is set to On, or if the functionality is set to optional and the user has checked the Remember username box on the login screen.

The remember username functionality can be disabled going to Quick-access menu > Security > Site policies and setting Remember username (rememberusername) to No.

  • In Totara 2.7 and below this cookie is given the name MOODLEID1_XXX where XXX is determined by $CFG->sessioncookie

  • In Totara 2.9 and above this cookie is given the name TOTARAID_XXX where XXX is determined by $CFG->sessioncookie


If the Totara site has been configured to use a Shibboleth provider for authentication then the Shibboleth authentication plugin will create a cookie to facilitate its functionality.

This cookie is only created if the Shibboleth plugin has been enabled and configured for use.

In all versions of Totara this cookie is given the name _saml_idp.

Which flags are used to secure cookies (e.g. httponly)?

This is configurable in Totara - all parameters of session_set_cookie() are set, including path, domain, secure, httponly.

Which data is saved in cookies?

Session-ID, optionally last logged-in user name.

HTTP(S) forms

Which method is used to submit forms (e.g. HTTP-POST)?

All forms that submit data use HTTP-POST. There are a small number of forms that are used for navigation purposes only, which still rely on HTTP-GET.

How does the application ensure that SSL encrypted sites cannot be cached?

All pages provided by Totara and content mediated by Totara are sent with caching headers appropriate to their nature and content.

Dynamic content, authentication-restricted content, and permission-restricted content are all sent with headers requesting servers handling the request do not cache this page.

Pages which are static, contain no user-specific or sensitive data, and which are of benefit to all users of the site may be sent with caching headers. A good example of where this happens is with CSS and JavaScript libraries, which get mediated via Totara.

It is worth noting that SSL is highly recommended as you cannot always trust the servers and systems that handle requests as they pass between the server and client.

Which data is encrypted on transfer?

We rely on SSL for encryption of data transfer between the user and the platform. All data is encrypted if the site is configured to use SSL.

Which encryption method is used for data transfer?

Clients' access encryption depends on web server configuration, which is not part of our codebase.

The LMS code may contact other servers via curl extension, which is configured to validate certificates. Again, this depends on server configuration.

How long is the key?

See above.


Which of the following events are not logged?

  • Successful and failed logins and logouts?

  • Errors on file access or access of sensitive data (unauthorised access)

  • Authorised access of sensitive files, data or processes

  • Access of security-relevant parameters and tables, especially user profiles and capabilities and security policies

The level of logging is configurable within the application. However by default all of the above are logged.

Which data is logged?

  • Date and time of event: Yes

  • Event ID or event type: Yes

  • User-ID: Yes

  • Network-Address (e.g. IP-Address): Yes

Where is the logged data stored?

Log storage is configurable within the application. The default log storage is in a database table.

Data storage

Which information is encrypted on storage?

Data is not encrypted. Totara relies on application security and server security to ensure data is secure. Passwords are hashed using a per-user salted bcrypt hash using the built-in PHP password hashing functionality.

Which encryption method is used for data transfer?

See above.

How long is the key?

See above.

Third-party libraries

What third-party libraries are used in Totara?

Information about all third-party libraries, including version numbers, can be found within the product by navigating to Quick-access menu > Development > Third-party libraries as a Site Administrator.

What is the policy for updates to third-party libraries?

Minor updates to third-party libraries are made within Totara stable releases in order to get security fixes, and providing the update is backwards-compatible. If the update is not backwards-compatible then Totara will cherry-pick the security fix where possible, or otherwise address product code to ensure the security concern is not exploitable within Totara.

It is important to note that minor updates are not taken unless required for security or because of broken functionality within Totara.

Major upgrades to third-party libraries are only made on the next major release of a Totara product.

Support for third-party libraries

Totara maintains and supports the third-party libraries used within Totara. We will follow the above policy and ensure that any security issues are addressed completely and thoroughly.

Where possible we will ensure that security vulnerabilities within third-party libraries are fixed at their source, either through upstream fixes or bespoke solutions we develop ourselves.

In the rare situation where an issue cannot be fixed at the source we will find solutions for any and all individual uses of the third-party library, and put safeguards in place for any future uses, including removing functionality from the third-party library in some cases.

Which third-party libraries are sometimes raised in security scans and penetration tests?

The libraries listed below may be raised as having known vulnerabilities. The development team regularly reviews the product to ensure any known vulnerabilities cannot be exploited.

  • jQuery (including related modules such as jquery-ui and jquery-ui-dialog)

  • YUILib

  • Handlebars

Predominantly, vulnerabilities from the above libraries rely upon unsanitised user input being supplied to various library methods. Any such input will have been sanitised by the server. As described in Support for third-party libraries above, we will also backport fixes where appropriate to provide a further layer of security.

Support for upstream security fixes from Moodle

Parts of the Totara codebase are based on Moodle 3.4.9, which was released in 2019. No new functionality has been forked from Moodle since then. The code is a core part of Totara under active development, not a dependency.

Totara follows a rigorous set of secure development practices that include watching for new vulnerabilities in Moodle and immediately ensuring that Totara’s code is not vulnerable. Additionally, every Totara release is subject to a thorough security review and penetration test.

If you have questions about a specific CVE or Moodle issue, we are happy to clarify whether it needed to be fixed in Totara, and if so, how it was addressed.


How are security measures tested?

Our partners and subscribers regularly submit our application to security penetration testing. In addition we commission an independent third-party security review ourselves every other major release.

Are connected applications required to authenticate each other?

There are many different systems and services that Totara hooks into. By default, Totara does not communicate with any systems or services that do not provide public information, therefore there is no need to authenticate.

In situations where Totara is configured to connect to and communicate with external systems and services it will use a means of authentication that is appropriate to that service or system.

Importantly, Totara can be configured to publish its own services. When doing so, an authentication token is required by Totara in order to authenticate the incoming request. This token must be known and preapproved in Totara.

Which comments are there in the HTML markup?

Totara is a large application developed over many years. Whilst HTML comments are rare, it is impossible for us to empirically state the nature of any HTML comments that do exist, other than to say that they should relate to specific decisions in the user interface and provide only insight into design direction.

Is Totara vulnerable to CSV injection?

This is a known concern, however until recently it is one that we have treated as a concern for Microsoft Excel, and it is not something that Totara is well placed to address.

CSV (as defined by RFC4180) is just a plain-text format, and there is no support for escaping the likes of formulae, as within the CSV file they are not formula, but just ordinary plain text. The translation from plain text is done by Excel during the import, after warning the user of the risk of translating formula.

In order to prevent Excel from performing the translation from plain text to formula, the content must be escaped. As CSV provides no means to escape formula Excel have their own method of doing so, commonly by prefixing either a tab character or single quote to the front of the content, which Excel then knows to hide from the user within their product.

Unfortunately in other products this escaping is not understood, and the content is left containing the additional characters that were used to escape it.

Our stance on this issue is that CSV export is used to produce a CSV file as close to specification as possible, and which can be used for all applications that can process CSV files. For the likes of Excel and OpenOffice we provide dedicated export formats, so that a file can be produced that is designed to work as best it can in these products. These formats will ensure that all plain-text content is treated as such, and not automatically translated into a formula.

The stance we take is commonly encountered. Google, for instance, have a clearly documented stance similar to our own. That being said, this is reported reasonably frequently, and it is often identified within penetration tests. While we won't be changing how CSV export works within Totara, in Totara 13 we did add a new CSV for spreadsheets report builder export format (TL-21036) that produces a CSV file with all content escaped in such a way that Excel, Open Office, Libre Office and Google Sheets will treat the content as plain text, and not ever guess it to be formulae.

The export methods available on a site are controllable within Totara, allowing a site to make the new format available if they like, as well allowing them to disable the existing CSV format.

What documentation about the application is available?

Our main product documentation is available at