.Course completion behaviours v1
.Course completion behaviours v1
How can I update the course completion when the activity completion status changes?
When changing the activity completion from complete to incomplete, the course completion still shows the user's status as complete. The certification and program completion also continues to show as complete and is not updated by the amended activity completion.
Course completion scenario
- Change the activity completion of a seminar from 'Fully attended' to 'No Show' (for example when the initial status was entered incorrectly and needs to be amended).
- As a result of the updated activity completion status the user now fails to meet course completion criteria.
- This course completion does not recalculate automatically on the next cron run using the scheduled task core\task\completion_regular_task.
Program/certification scenario
- Staff have a breach of policy within the certified period
- Staff completed re-certification before the window period opens
- Course content changes mid-way through a certification period
- Human-error issues
Possible solutions and workarounds for course completion:
- Setting the course completion criteria as 'Manual Self-Completion' so the learner can mark themselves as complete for the course. The self completion block is required to be added to the course page so that learners have a link to activate this process.
- Setting the course completion criteria as 'Manual Completion by Others' so that users with one or more roles can mark the learner as complete. This includes the ability to include multiple marked tasks.
- The Recognition of Prior Learning function can be used to recognise previous completions or alternative completions that are an exception to the course completion criteria that has been set for the course. The RPL function is made up of a tickbox to mark as complete via RPL and a note field. The RPL completion records will be recognised as being complete on the date/time that the box is ticked.
- Upload course completion records in bulk via a CSV file. This function can be found using the following settings: Site administration > Courses > Upload Completion Records > Upload Completion Records
- Change the course completion criteria. If the criteria are changed and the button is selected to 'unlock criteria and delete existing completion data' AND the criteria for completion no longer matches a users records the course completion is removed. This will only remove the historic completion on a course level and will leave their activity completion intact.
- Using the Course Completion Editor to manually edit course completion for individual users.
- Using the Completion Archive to allow courses that are not part of a Certification or Programme can archive all completions for all users within that course. Their current completion is then moved to their historical record of course completion for this course and they are now able to start this course again.
- Using the Course Completion Reset to delete completion data for all users. This could be used prior to re-uploading the updated course completion in bulk.
Possible solution and workaround for program/certification completion status:
- You can use the program and certification completion editor to manually edit program/certification completion dates for individual users. Course, program and certification completion reaggregation is currently not expected to automatically change states from complete to any other incomplete status (unless the window period for certifications re-opens).
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