Setting up Zoom Virtualmeeting plugin

Setting up Zoom Virtualmeeting plugin


The Zoom Meeting Virtualmeeting plugin allows trainers to create an ad hoc room that will automatically generate a scheduled Zoom Meeting for any seminar session with which it is associated. The start meeting and join meeting URLs are available to admins and trainers at any time. The join meeting URL is revealed to booked learners beginning 15 minutes before the session starts.

For more information on working with virtual rooms, see our product documentation.

To enable the plugin, you will need to create an OAuth app in Zoom Marketplace, and set the App ID and Client Secret in the Zoom Virtualmeeting plugin settings.

Update 2024

In March 2024, Zoom introduced a new "Granular Scopes" API to replace its previous model, now called "Classic Scopes". This was a breaking change for Totara's Virtualmeeting integration, and we are working on a fix. We have provided some instructions for creating new meetings manually in the mean time until the new plugin is available - see the section "Manual meeting setup"