This builds on top of the Entities and the Entity Repository so make sure you are familiar with these.
Filter class
You can write your own filter_by_... methods within a specific repository. But those filters are still bound to this entity and cannot easily be used by other entities.
To provide better reusability entity repositories can use filter objects. A filter object extends the base filter class and needs to implement the apply() method. The filter automatically receives a builder instance and can add conditions on it.
class path extends \core\orm\entity\filter\filter { public function apply() { if ($this->value > 0) { $value = $this->value; // get all children of given id $this->builder->where_like('path', "/{$value}/"); } } }
The filter can receive params on initialisation, they can be passed either via the constructor or the set_param() method. How the params are used is totally up to the filter. It could be one or more column names, additional params, etc.
public function apply() { // params are store in a property $column = $this->params[0]; $case_sensitive = $this->params[1] ?? false; // ... } // on usage $filer = new my_filter('column', true);
Default filters
If you want to make the filter always available for an entity define it as a default filter.
class competency_repository extends \core\orm\entity\repository { /** * Define available default filters * * @return array */ protected function get_default_filters(): array { return [ 'path' => new path(), ]; } }
Then you can just pass a key value pair when you want to filter by it. For example to pass through filters from the UI to the actual entity.
$competencies = competency::repository() ->set_filters(['path' => 23]) ->get(); // OR $competencies = competency::repository() ->set_filter('path', 23) ->get();
On-demand filters
You don't have to define a filter in the default filters method to apply it. You can always pass in the filter object into the set_filter() or set_filters() method:
$path = new path(); $path->set_value(23); $competencies = competency::repository() ->set_filter($path) ->get(); // OR $filters = [ $path, // ... // other filters ]; $competencies = competency::repository() ->set_filters($filters) ->get();
Generic filters
We provide a few generic filters which you can use directly or extend:
// results in: firstname = 'Max' $equal = new equal('firstname'); $equal->set_value('Max'); // you can filter over multiple columns (automatically uses OR between it) // results in: firstname = 'Max' OR middlename = 'Max' $like = new equal(['firstname', 'middlename']); $equal->set_value('Max'); // results in: firstname LIKE '%Max%' $like = new like('firstname'); $like->set_value('Max'); // by default uses a placeholder wrapped with percentage signs, resulting in '%value%' // placeholder can be changed with second param // results in: firstname LIKE 'Max%' $like = new like('firstname', '[text]%'); $like->set_value('Max'); // you can filter over multiple columns (automatically uses OR between it) // results in: firstname LIKE '%Max%' OR middlename LIKE '%Max%' $like = new like(['firstname', 'middlename']); $like->set_value('Max'); // results in: firstname IN ('John', 'Max', 'Bob') $in = new in('column'); $in->set_value(['John', 'Max', 'Bob']);