Making developer requests via a GraphQL client

Making developer requests via a GraphQL client

This page is focused on access to the developer GraphQL API. See the documentation for a specific endpoint for information on how to access that endpoint.

In order to interact with GraphQL you will likely choose to use a GraphQL client, rather than making direct HTTP requests. There are many different clients available as independent software, or as extensions to existing browsers or IDEs. Below we describe a few common clients and how they are configured to access Totara's GraphQL APIs.


There are a few ways to use Postman, but our recommendation would be to create a collection for your Totara API requests.

Create a collection with Authorization set to No Auth:

Create a HTTP request (not a GraphQL request) and set as follows:

  • Request URL: http://YOUR-SITE-URL/totara/webapi/dev_graphql_executor.php

  • Request Method: POST

  • On Body tab, select GraphQL

Ensure YOUR-SITE-URL matches your site's wwwroot.

Next, install the Postman Interceptor browser extension

Follow the steps to ‘Sync Cookies’ using your site’s wwwroot, e.g. integration.totara83 from the Postman documentation here


Once your cookies are synced to Postman Desktop, sign in to your Totara site in your browser as the user you want to run the requests as

You can then enter a query and variables into the page and click Send to make the request. Schema auto-completion should be working as you write the query and you should get results in the bottom window like this:

If your Totara user session expires you’ll need to log in to the site again


PHPStorm GraphQL Plugin

GraphQL integration within PHPStorm is achieved via the GraphQL plugin. Install this plugin via Preferences > Plugins:

PHPStorm GraphQL access is configured by a new file in the project's root folder. Create a file called .graphqlconfig in the top-level root folder (the one that contains server and client directories).

Add the following statement to your site's config.php. This will put GraphQL into developer mode - this should not be done on production sites.


If your site is publicly accessible then you should prevent downloads of the .graphqlconfig file in your web server configuration. That is because this file (which we will create next) will contain secret information that could be used to make API requests.

Now create a .graphqlconfig file with the following content:

{ "extensions": { "endpoints": { "Default GraphQL Endpoint": { "url": "[siteurl]/totara/webapi/dev_graphql_executor.php", "headers": { "user-agent": "JS GraphQL", "Cookie": "TotaraSession=[copysessionidfromactivebrowsersession]" } } } } }

Ensure [siteurl] matches your site's wwwroot. To obtain the value that should go in [copysessionidfromactivebrowsersession], visit your site and log in as a user. Next, open your browser's developer tools and locate the TotaraSession cookie. For Google Chrome this is under Application > Storage > Cookies. Normally you are looking for the value of the TotaraSession cookie:

If you have customised the session cookie prefix under Quick-access menu > Server > Session handling > Cookie prefix, it may have a different name. Similarly, you might have multiple cookies on the same server, so look for the one with the path that matches the site's URL. Copy the long hexadecimal value into your .graphqlconfig file.

Once the .graphqlconfig file has been created, open the GraphQL tab and add a new schema configuration:

Specify the folder that contains the .graphqlconfig file:

You should end up with a new endpoint and some information about the schema (types, interfaces, etc.).

You can use the GraphQL plugin in a number of ways:

  • Open any .graphql or .graphqls file and get auto-completion and syntax highlighting based on the API schema

  • Execute .graphql files, including support for passing variables and easily browsing the results

  • Execute arbitrary queries via new .graphql files or scratch files

The play icon allows you to execute a query against the specified endpoint. The V icon allows you to provide a JSON structure containing variables that will be used as query arguments. Results will appear in the panel below:

Queries will be executed as the user whose session cookie was used in the .graphqlconfig file configuration step from before.


Altair is a GraphQL client available on multiple platforms, including as a Google Chrome extension in the Chrome store.

Because Altair is a web-based tool, cookies from other browser tabs will be available within the tool, so you should be able to authenticate simply by logging in to the Totara site via the UI in another tab.

After installing the Chrome plugin, an extension icon will appear next to the URL bar:

Clicking it will open the client:

To use the client:

  1. Add the following statement to your site's config.php. This will put GraphQL into developer mode - this should not be done on production sites.
    define('GRAPHQL_DEVELOPMENT_MODE', true);

  2. Open your site in your browser and log in as the user you want to access the API as.

  3. Enter the following POST request in the Send request bar at the top:

To test queries are working you can enter the following query:

query{ core_lang_strings(lang: "en", ids: ["totaralearn,totara_core"]) { identifier component string } }

This should return something like this:

{ "data": { "core_lang_strings": [ { "identifier": "totaralearn", "component": "totara_core", "string": "Totara Learn" } ] } }

You can also test authentication is working by running a user-specific query and make sure it returns data belonging to the current logged-in user:

You should also find that you can use auto-completion when modifying queries.

Clicking the Docs button should open a panel with the current schema documentation. If not, try clicking the Reload Docs button:


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