Below you'll find lists of some of the key features of the report builder for different types of users; from report users to administrators and developers.
For report users
Report users are the end-users who are working with reports in your Totara system. For them key features will be about how they view and share reports.
- Ability to sort reports by any column
- Filtering results
- Creating and sharing saved searches
- Setting up scheduled reports to be received via email
- Exporting reports to different formats including: Excel, Open Office, CSV or Google Fusion
- Easy access to your own reports via the My reports block
- Availability in 17 languages (Arabic, German, US English, English, Castilian Spanish, International Spanish, Finish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish and Simplified Chinese)
For administrators
Site administrators will have higher levels of responsibility and access with your Totara system. For them a lot of the key features will revolve around configuring reports.
- A wide range of existing report sources available
- Ability to select which columns to display, their order and heading names
- Ability to include standard and advanced filters
- Ability to report on standard and custom user profile fields
- Control access to individual reports
- Define default sort order and records per page
- Dynamic content control so one report can serve many users
For developers
Developers are those who have access to the code behind the scenes and can perform deeper customisations than Site Administrators. Key features here involve deep customisations and making the reports work for your Totara installation.
- Ability to embed reports in standard Totara pages (still configurable via the interface)
- Easily extensible. There is plugin architecture for:
- Report sources
- Column options
- Column display functions
- Restricting report content
- Restricting report access
- Flexibility when building sources (reports can be based off subqueries, etc.)
- Single query model, automatic trimming of unnecessary joins and pagination lead to good scaling/performance
- Coded to Totara coding guidelines (including full PHPdocs code documentation)
- Good unit test coverage (112 tests plus dynamically generated tests of each report source)
, multiple selections available,
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